Safe, Effective, Non Pharmaceutical Treatment of Nausea
This NYC Acupuncture for Nausea Webpage provides helpful information about the use of acupuncture in the treatment of nausea. If you are seeking information about acupuncture for nausea, you have come to the right place. This will help you to make an informed decision about treatment options. There are many and varied causes of nausea.
Causes Of Nausea
Internal Damp
In the Traditional Chinese Medical system, the most common cause of nausea is damp accumulation caused by a deficiency of the spleen functions of transformation and transportation. This refers to the spleen’s function in the digestive process (transformation of food and other energy forms) and movement of energy and other materials through the body (transportation). When these functions are diminished, then the spleen produces damp (think phlegm-like substance) which accumulates and causes sluggishness and generally clogs the flow of essential substances. An analogy that may help to explain the condition is to think of what happens in our external environment when the weather is damp. The air is heavy and moist — there are no refreshing breezes, things become bogged down. Everything is a bit sluggish and clogged. Things moves more slowly and feel heavier. Internal damp causes much the same symptoms. Our systems slow down, our digestive systems are heavy and sluggish. Moisture builds up and the result is an array of digestive symptoms, including nausea.
Dietary Causes of Internal Damp
There are a variety of causes of internal damp. The most common of which is a poor or irregular diet. In the TCM system, the spleen has a significant role in the digestive function. It does not like cloying foods such a dairy or sweets. Both can have a rapid and dramatic effect on the spleen. When suffering from nausea, reducing or eliminating these foods can be very helpful.
The spleen is also sensitive to colds foods. Things like ice cream, very cold or iced beverages, raw foods, such as salads, can also interfere with the spleen’s transformation and transportation functions. Of course, one of the results will be nausea. Generally, cold causes pain and thus if cold is the cause, it will likely be accompanied by abdominal pain. Other symptoms pointing toward a cold diagnosis would be a tight pulse and a thick white tongue coat.
Eating Habits As the Cause of Internal Damp
In addition to the sensitivity to diary, sweets and cold, the spleen likes regularity. Eating at irregular times or on the run can also result in chronic nausea. It is best to eat at regular intervals. A number of smaller meals over the course of the day, is the best option. In this country we tend towards three large meals a day. That can tax the spleen. More frequent smaller meals is much easier for the system to digest and absorb. Try to adjust your habits to allow for four or five meals a day. Eat them at regular intervals and allow time to simply digest your meals.
Eating on the run or while working or when stressed can all have an adverse effect on the spleen. This will often result in the accumulation of the dreaded damp and the symptom of nausea. Take time to enjoy your meals and maybe actually taste them. You will find it to be a very satisfying experience.
Other Causes of Nausea
In addition to direct effects on the spleen, other factors can also cause nausea. For example, there can be a dysfunction in another system which then has a secondary effect on the spleen. It is not uncommon to see patients who complain of periodic nausea. This pattern often has its origins in a liver dysfunction. The liver dysfunction is in turn, caused by emotional factors such as depression or stress. Each organ system has its own sensitivities. As we discussed above, the spleen is sensitive to certain types of foods and irregular eating habits. The liver tends to be sensitive to emotional stress and hot foods
When the liver is taxed by emotional stress, it eventually begins to show signs of dysfunction. This can manifest as a condition know as the liver invading the spleen. When this occurs, over time, the spleen’s function is disrupted. That disruption, in turn, will eventually result in the same kinds of symptoms discussed above. The most relevant of which is the accumulation of damp with an attendant nausea. This kind of nausea tends to be periodic. It only occurs when the patient is under stress and suffering from an emotionally related episode. That causes the liver to become taxed. The liver, in turn, attacks the spleen. The spleen functions of transformation and transportation are disrupted and damp accumulates — causing nausea.
Other symptoms will often include a wiry pulse and a tongue that is red on the sides. These are classically associated with liver depression. The patient will also be inclined to sigh, have a distending sensation in the side body, a bitter taste in the mouth and suffer from acid regurgitation. These are all liver dysfunction symptoms.
These are only some of the possible causes of nausea. Each case must be evaluated on its own merits. The associated symptoms will allow the acupuncturist to make a diagnosis and treat the nausea and the underlying condition. The term of the treatment will depend on a number of factors, including the duration of the condition and the level of dysfunction.
In addition to acupuncture, a practitioner may elect to recommend an herbal remedy to compliment the acupuncture sessions. A proper diagnosis is essential to a good outcome. Always consult with a trained acupuncturist and if using herbs, be sure to consult with a trained herbalist. We hope this NYC Acupuncturist for Nausea webpage has been informative and useful.
If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, call us at +1 917-968-2854.